Third album - Sebastian Yatra


The album is by Sebastian Yatra, a reggaeton artist who is the most current music heard in Spanish-speaking countries.

This is the original photo, I cut it for my album, then edit it in photoshop, first select (create new fill layer) then (gradient map) and select the colours that I liked the most.

Now I put the title of the album (Lo Siento) which means I am sorry with the typography (Niagara Engraved) then I select (function options) and select (gradient overlay) and edit it to my liking.

When I already have the colour I want, I put the name of my artist with the (text tool) with the font (Century Gothic) that has a more professional and soft style and then I change the colour of the letters. Then I add the logos of the platforms, where you can listen to it and lastly put my logo.
