New module: Art Portfolio

Welcome to my blog! In this new term I will talk about what I did and the artists that influenced me this Christmas holidays.

This Christmas holidays I decided to explore the world of graffiti since every time I went out I saw one and I found it very curious the different designs that existed and how colourful they are and how detailed they are.

I started searching the internet for “graffiti” to get inspiration, some of the designs I found were figures on the wall, I quite liked the designs the artist made, and I was inspired to make my own.

The artist that inspired me is Bordalo II, who is known for using trash to create animal sculptures stamped on the wall to warn people about pollution and endangered animals.

To create my piece I used cardboard toilet paper and black cardboard that I threw away and glass stones I found on the street.

Other artists who inspired me were Pichi and Avo, who now work together and are called PichiAvo are two artists who combine the classical art and urban art, their works for me are great and very creative.

For my piece I was clearly inspired by PichiAvo, the materials I used were a pencil and ink of all colours

In this term, I want to learn to make urban art designs and for that, I will practice and do it my way in a digital drawing to learn and improve my digital art skills.



  1. You should develop this post, it doesn't really go into enough detail as a welcome post or your reasons for choosing this artist. You should also have posted the Self Portrait ice breaker from today's session as well.


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