Collaboration Project

 For this project I had to work as a team with a classmate, the tutor paired me with Daria, I had no problem working with her. We were thinking about what to do for this project, it was very easy, we thought about creating a movie poster of a young boy who likes to do graffiti. For the design of the poster we divided the work, she would do the main character and I would do the title and focus on the Typography. We had to think of a title for the film, you didn't know whether to put a sentence or the main name of the character. We decided to put the name since it would focus more on the character, we looked for boy names and we found the name Sebastian, Daria told me that this name is very common among the rebels in Poland, it seemed very funny and interesting.

For my part of the project, I started by designing graffiti with the character's name.

This was the first sketch, I asked Daria what she thought, she told me she liked it.
With her approval of the sketch, I set about designing it digitally in Photoshop.

I commented to paint the strokes of the letters in blue and pink with Daria and she liked my idea.

Later Daria showed me her sketches of the character, I really liked her sketches, I suggested an idea for the character, to put headphones on the character.

When Daria inserted the headphones on the character, the character seemed perfect for the poster.

By having all the parts of the work already finished, it was only necessary to put them together. Daria and I thought of putting a brick background because it would be perfect with the character's theme.
The background I downloaded from Unsplash, a website without copyright.
Then I put all the parts of the work together in Photoshop.

This is the end result, we are very happy with the result. I really enjoyed doing this project, I had the opportunity to practice with digital drawing and also to design graffiti.


  1. You did some really interesting work here and demonstrated that you are capable of working within a brief - this is the kind of engagement I need to see in your project work - take this experience and see how you can use it in the rest of this terms work.


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