Exercise: Who Am I?

In this session, we made a description of ourselves, from the beginning, from when we were children until we came of age. We had to tell our story, of how we got to do what we are today.

I will start with the right side, I was born in Argentina then at age 5 I moved to Bolivia and when I was 7 I moved to Spain because according to my parent's people lived better and could have more opportunities. The paper aeroplane represents both the trip and the toy I played with.

On the left leg I drew my childhood, starting with the Lego pieces that my father bought me with those pieces towards figures and many other things, sweets were what I liked the most when I was a child because my mother had a store and had a lot of sweets. Dogs were my best friends when I was a child I lived in a very remote part of the city and did not have many children to play with.

At the waist, I drew that I lived in a very large house with a large garden with my parents

In the abdomen, arms and chest, I show my adolescence and a bit of my adulthood, when I was 14 years old I always drew, played at the consoles and had a good time, I think my inspiration for art began when I saw the Spanish deck, the deck It had very detailed and beautiful drawings.

In my art class, I was the best at getting good grades. I don't believe in religion, but neither do I deny that it exists, I am an agnostic on the subject of religion. My hobbies are repairing electronic things, playing the ukulele and playing sports. The glasses represent my brother who was the one who helped me the most, I value him and respect him a lot for that reason he is in the place of the heart.

In my arms I drew how I got here to the United Kingdom, the first place I met was in York, a beautiful place where I met the two most important people in my life, one of them is from Cuba and the other is from Colombia. When I got to York everyone was riding a bike it was very strange for me, but I got used to it and had to join the cyclists.

Currently, I try to focus all my thoughts on my art and English classes and keep going even having problems.



  1. This is one of the best posts you have produced this term and demonstrates your ability to express yourself well, keep it up.


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