Sticker - Agony

 For this Agony sticker, I first had to investigate more about the word, it turns out that the word agony is, a constant suffering between life and death, your body is already condemned to die from a serious illness or accident but your soul struggles to survive.

It cost me a lot to make sketches with this subject since it is very difficult to express life and death, but I did it and these are my sketches.

The first sketch is a hand crushing the heart to death, it could be said that the heart was trying to live, but with the pressure exerted by the hand it could not do much.

The second sketch is a skull biting into a heart. The sketch has the same metaphor as the previous one, except that death is clearer in this sketch, as it is represented by a skull.

I decided on the second sketch since it was clearer, I made another sketch inspired by this, I added more details to later do it in Illustrator.

In illustrator I put more details such as veins in the heart and cracks in the skull and teeth then I used different shades of yellow and purple colors that are complementary colors to paint it, I added shadows and other details.


  1. Thinking of a title for this project that reflects your theme as we discussed in the Drop In Session on Wednesday - some ideas:

    Urban Anxiety Sticker Collection
    Purple City Stickers
    Purple Emotions
    Purple Planet Stickers
    Purple Angst
    City of Stickers
    Sticky City


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