Sticker - Craziness

 For this sticker, I was inspired by PichiAvo in his way of mixing classic art (statues) and graffiti, in my situation I will mix a character and graffiti.

In this sticker I will represent madness, my main idea to represent it was a hyena (why a hyena?), A few days ago I saw a nature documentary where hyenas appeared, it turns out that hyenas make a noise that looks like a laugh and is constant laughter, it seemed strange and sinister and above all "crazy."

example of laughter:


Having the character of my sticker, I made a sketch inspired by photos of real hyenas

Having the sketch almost finished, I decided to finish the illustration in Illustrator, then I painted it in yellow and purple colors clearly using different shades of colors and this is the result.

I already had the main character finished, I only needed the graffiti with the word Craziness, I made a sketch and started to make the graffiti in Photoshop from it.

I painted it with different shades of purple and degraded it, for the strokes of the letters use only the yellow color

To finish, I put the two designs together and duplicate the graffiti several times and lower the opacity of the letters and put it in "superimpose" mode so that it seems that the character is illustrated on top of the graffiti.

Another option was this, but I didn't like it as much as the first one.


  1. Add the text to the first design and see how that works together. Again, it is really important that you show more evidence of your process throughout these posts.


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