Sticker - Loneliness

For this sticker I had the clearest ideas, do not look for any kind of inspiration. My intention was to create a sticker with the word LONELINESS in capital letters and large, standing out from the rest, above the letters there would be the shadow of a man walking away through the fog, making himself known that he is a lonely man who does not need anyone.

These were my first sketches, even having other ideas I decided on the main one that was this ...

As I already had the sketch, I began to design the letters in illustrator with the font "Myriad Pro" was the one that best suited my idea of the design, having the letters of the proportion I wanted, I decided to put a frame with a filling of a very dark purple without a background trace so that the letters stand out.

Then I started designing the shadow of the man that would go on top of the letters, it would be a shadow of the same intensity as the frame of the letters, to design I used the Photoshop pen, I did not make an effort for the lower part of the shadow because nothing would be seen, it would be covered by the letters.

Now I only needed the last part that would be the fog that goes behind the shadow, I designed it in Illustrator with a soft purple hue, then I added small details to the fog like small shadows.

By having the three parts of my sticker it was only necessary to join them.


  1. This post needs process images to show how you made it! Screenshots of your work in progress or a video of the work as you make it.


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