UX TESTING - Analyzing the feedback I got from my partner

 In this publication, I will focus on the comments that my classmate Daría left me about my website.

I comment that my progression route does not focus on the illustration and that the background of the web page did not allow to read clearly. I was right I had to change the background and add an image to represent my route.

I also comment that there were no social networks on the main page, I decided to add it

I read many comments about the background of the web page, which did not allow to read clearly. I decided to change all the backgrounds on my website and contrast the letters with a glow so that they would be easier to read.

Daria commented about “Contact” that it should force the authors to put their name and their message so that in this way I would not receive messages without an author or without any text.

Daría's comments helped me to improve my website a lot, I applied almost all of her suggestions on my website, when seeing the result I noticed enough positive changes. Now I hope to receive more comments about my website
