UX Testing: Testing of my partners site

 In today's class they paired us to make a UX form, they paired me with Daria

The Homepage

1. Is the homepage pleasing to look at?

The home page looks very nice, it seems very intuitive

2. Does the homepage clearly show both visually and with text what the website is about (i.e represent the students progression route?)?

Yes, when I see the designs at the beginning I can guess that they are focused on the illustration

3.Is there a navigation menu on the homepage?

There is a menu bar at the top of the page. 

4. Is the navigation menu clear and easy to use?

Yes, it is very easy to use.

5. Are there social media links on the homepage?


6. Do all the menu links and social links work correctly?

Yes, all the buttons and links work correctly.

7. Do you have any comments or suggestions in regard to the homepage?

Everything is very well designed and I like the illustrations.

The About & Contact Page

 1. Is the About page pleasing to look at?

Yes, everything is black and white and it looks nice, but at the same time very simple.

2. Does it contain an image or design?

She has a picture of herself smiling

3.Is the about me/biography well written?


4. Does the about me/biography really tell you about the person and their work?

Yes, comment on where it comes from, talk a little about his life and the goal he has.

5. Do you have any suggestions on the about me page?

A color photograph would look better, it is more confident

6. Is the contact page pleasing to look at?


7. Does it contain an image or design?

It has the image of a mouse greeting visitors, it is very well expressed

8. Does the contact page work - test this and find out

Yes, it works properly

9. Do you have any suggestions about the contact page?

No, it is very well done

The Gallery Pages

 1. Do all the gallery pages work?

Yes, everything is correct

2. Is there an introduction to the work on each gallery page

Only, in the first post

3. Does all the work have titles


4. Are the gallery pages consistent


5. Do the gallery pages work well and are they easy to use?

Yes, they are easy to use

6. Can you go back and forth through the gallery pages easily?

No, there is a back button

7. Is the work displayed to show it at its best?

No, it is very simple for me

8. What suggestions do you have about the gallery pages? 

I love the animation, but it is only a video, it would be nice to see an individual design of each character.
The second post is seen to be unfinished.

The Whole Site

 1. Is the site consistent throughout?


2. Did you find it easy to navigate and use?

If it is very easy to use

3. Was it a good experience going through the site?

Yes, I could have ideas of how to design my website

4. What would you change if you could?

I would remove the "about" and "contact" buttons because you share the same page with "home", or I would simply add an individual page for each sector

5. Would you recommend this site to others? If not, why not?

Yes, you can acquire some knowledge of how to design your own website




  1. Add your feedback from Daria either in this post or in a separate post.

  2. Consider my comments in this post and previous posts - there is still a lot to update as we get closer to the deadline and don't forget a reflection post as the last of this project.

  3. Michel, your submission is Tuesday 16th March - tomorrow! Please update this blog with the remaining posts and your reflection on the project and make sure you have updated and published your website when you submit your work using the digital submission form on blackboard. Submission is via Turnitin. If your submission is late it will be capped at 40%.


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