Ice Breaker : 3D Portrait


The first activity for this term consisted of creating a 3D portrait with whatever material we have, I used clay because I had the necessary tools to create a portrait of myself.

To start my self portrait, I first took a picture of myself and made a bust out of kitchen foil because I didn't have a lot of clay and I needed something to start with.

Having the shape of my head, I began to put clay around it, and then I began to make the shape of my face, starting with the shape of the eyes and then the cheekbones and then the nose and finally the mouth.

I was able to complete the shape of my face, except for the eyes that I did not know how to make them I watched YouTube tutorials on how to do it but I never get it, because the clay was breaking or my pulse was shaking.

In the end my 3D portrait was like a Moai without the eyes. When completing the face, I did details like the hair and beard.

When the clay dried I started to paint it in a melted style with acrylic colours, I got the idea of ASPENCROW from the way they paint their RIRI sculpture.

I liked the result but I think I used too much colour because the beard details could not be seen.


  1. Good effort, Michel, like your process shots, your attention to detail, even if you think you didn't quite pull it off, it looks as if you are getting more confident with this material. good links to the artist you chose as well.


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