SMART: Primitivism

SMART Objective

S- What do you want to do?

I choose the subject of primitivism, my intention will be to create a book about the beasts of Greek mythology. I will investigate the monsters of that mythology, surely it will be easy to find a documentary about them on the internet. My intention will be to create a cover for the book and 3 or 4 illustrations of the creatures with detailed information on the beasts and a 3D figure that I will surely make with clay. I will use techniques such as traditional drawing to create sketches and when I have them I will make a graphic drawing of each one, using Photoshop and Illustrator. For the 3D piece, I will use clay or perhaps cardboard or a combination of the two. 

M- How will you know when you've reached it?

When all the illustrations that I am going to design are evaluated and qualified by me and I am satisfied with the work that I have done.

A- Is it in your power to accomplish it?

Yes, I will have to do a lot of research about Greek beasts and practice my illustrations in my study time and also look for a technique that suits me when creating a 3D figure.

R- Can you realistically achieve it?

Yes, my intention will be to give my best effort and constant perseverance.

T-When do you want to accomplish it?

I would like to finish one day before the deadline which is June 7


  1. Apart from the first section here, there is not enough infromation about what you intend to do. For instance, in your 'realistic' section you could talk about how long it is going to take you, do you have access to all the materials you need, are you ambitious enough or are you making it easy for yourself. Be more rigorous, Michel!


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