Term 3- WELCOME!!

 Welcome back to my blog

During the Easter holidays, I was able to reflect and rest on the last quarter.

I did not leave the town of Leicester for personal reasons and I decided to stay in the town with my brother. For part of the holiday, I stayed at home watching films or documents, to see filmographic scenes, where a more detailed image is appreciated. When watching the films and documentaries I really liked seeing the settings where they had vegetation, urban landscape or statues.

I focus on the sculpture, when watching a documentary on Easter Island that is located in Chile, the statues are called Moai are giant heads with tiny bodies that are buried in the ground.

It is a documentary that you can see on Disney +

Seeing those giant heads I wanted to make a mini statue of a Moai to decorate my room. I bought clay and tools for shaping the clay on Amazon, then I decided to paint it with a good amount of watercolor to give the sculpture a relief.

I loved the result, especially the water-shaped relief


  1. This is a really nice piece of work and glad to see you used your 'downtime' to create something you engaged with - this technique might come in useful for your 3D work later in the term. Good effort.


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